

there's something kind of neat about an English accent. especially when i'm pretending to have one.

Christmas is over, sadly enough. It came as quite a surprise this year, I feel like I was hardly able to say hello before I started cleaning up wrapping paper. If this were a real live journal, and I was somewhere between 10 and 16 years old, I would list every single thing I got for Christmas. However, this is not, and I am not. I will say that I have a lovely ring on my finger now. and also a cookbook because apparently a good woman knows those things. I've flipped through the book and made some good intentions. stuffed mushrooms anyone?

Just now, I realized I do not have "Hey Jude" on my mp3 player. I have a version from the Across the Universe soundtrack, but it's not the Beatles. How did that happen? This is very perplexing.

My sister was living in hell a few days ago, perhaps figuratively. She had cut out the word HELLO in construction paper and hung it on her wall a while back [don't ask me why, she said she just wanted to spice up the space. what?]. Well, soon after hanging it up she decided to need the paper from the O to make something else. Not the H, or an L since she has two. No. So for several weeks it said HELL right above her bed. Did she notice? Ha. I made mention about a week ago, but it didn't finally come down until today.

Today we cleaned so much. This cleaning has been long past due. You think you're messy? You probably are, but let me tell you, so am I. So I cleaned a lot today. I realized that I have a decent amount of books, and waaayy to many old spiral notebooks with half-written songs and letters and stories in them. If I said about 25 of them I might be getting close, who knows? Did I throw away any of them? No. However, I did toss a huge black bag's worth of old cloth scraps and shirts and pants that I planned on turning into really creative outfits. That's something. I also got rid of some shoes.
I found some interesting tidbits today, as well. That tends to happen, I suppose, when you pack and pack and pack and then finally get around to cleaning stuff out. Some bittersweet, some really hilarious, some very odd. I found a game of M.A.S.H. that my sister and I had done. You know that game? Deciding the future of hopeful young girls? This particular one was probably a few years old. Instead of M.A.S.H. we called it F.A.R.T. [farmhouse, apartment, ranch, townhouse]. Haha, right? I'm sure we thought we were really really witty. SO glad I was home schooled. Anyhow, I ended up marrying... wait for it.. Kip from Napoleon Dynamite. We lived happily in a townhouse in Argentina, with his black jeep and my tie-dye semi and our 5 children. Don't get jealous.

I wrote a little today. And played the piano. At first I didn't know what I was going to do with myself for winter break, but I am managing really well. Went for a run this morning as well, and then all the cleaning, writing and piano. That's alright. Running when it's snowing is a little frustrating because I couldn't see, but also kind of nice. Really quiet.
Have I given up on jetman? No. Not a chance.

Oh! Watched a family video on Christmas Eve with my cousins, it was from some years back. Was I a fashion statement? You better believe it. High-rise jeans, probably around my rib cage. Huge through the waist/hips and then the tapered ankle, I know you know what I'm talking about. I tucked in my adult large t-shirt into my jeans. Low ponytail with the heavy bangs. So funny seeing it, I know exactly what I was thinking then. Despite the fact that I had a lisp [though I was probably still unaware to that] and didn't know how to work my knees and elbows because I was so gangly, I thought I was as cool as it got. Words cannot even describe...

i think that i'll just wait. when you hear "all my life" by Rosie Thomas and then right after hear "all the way" by Frank Sinatra, you can't help but be alright, if hopeful.

I'm like John Keats. His last words in his last letter:
"I can scarcely bid you goodbye even in a letter. I always made an awkward bow. God bless you! John Keats"

i can't ever figure out how to leave, even here. i always make an awkward bow.

God Bless You...



a little lonely.

i was just sitting in the Avante building, eating my single serving of clam chowder soup and listening to my music when "Fix you" by Coldplay came on.
It was a sad moment.
One of those moments where you wish someone was sitting next to you, eating a single serving of clam chowder soup. or maybe sharing yours.

I don't get lonely very often. Hardly ever. Usually I don't mind being by myself, and sometimes I prefer it.
It got better then. The woman who works at the cafeteria in the Avante building walked by, and I noticed she was wearing Coach shoes, and she was talking about how she really wanted a Coach purse for Christmas.
Earlier she had given me a free spoon. I like her.

I saw The Hudson Branch last night. They were really good, but maybe that was also because they were a nice indie sound sandwiched between two crazy screamer bands. It was quitequite refreshing. It was good to see friends there, too.

My last final is in a few hours, so I should go and run over that material. I'll miss that class too, as I am definitely missing my ASL 2 class that ended this morning. All my good classes end on the same day, dang it. Oh well, it ends the semester on a good note. I also have applesauce today [single serving as well], so there are good notes all around. I really love applesauce.




I think I should have no other mortal wants, if I could always have plenty of music. It seems to infuse strength into my limbs and ideas into my brain. Life seems to go on without effort, when I am filled with music.
-George Eliot

This night is so much more lovely because of the fact that in one week this will be my last day at Harper College for this semester. I will miss a few things, I'm nerdy enough to admit that. I will miss this studious atmosphere. I will miss ASL 2. I will miss Hannah making me yummy sandwiches and our quick chats. Aaaannnddd, that about covers it for the moment. I am very much looking forward to sleep and nonstop jetman. =]

I was lucky enough to be awake and driving this morning, to be able to see the glory of ice-covered trees, with a soft pink sky just illuminating the branches. I hope you saw it. And tonight too, I love the shape of the moon tonight, that tiny crescent. You know how people ask you what color you would be, what flower, what tree? If I was a shape, I would be a crescent like the moon tonight.

I'm proud to say that I have kept up working out for the past few weeks. Look out.

For the moment, that is just about it. Just about...







and smoke.












i wore my hippie hat today, so now my head itches violently.

i just got out of art class about 9 hours early. we didn't have class last week, and this week my art professor comes in and tells us it's because his mother died. he was so broken up, it was so sad. and then he is also sick because of all the stress of the burial, so we didn't have much of a class today, and we aren't having class next week. he's giving us full credit for the final and for the two quizzes we didn't have. it's all very bittersweet. i'd like to feel some joy out of no classes, but every time i do i feel immense guilt, like i'm thanking God that his mother died.

i've been thinking about england lately.
my heart is still in ireland, mind you.
but with all of this literature that i've been reading and the lives i am learning about, england is sounding fairly fascinating as well.
i just think england should be moved up a little higher on my list of places to visit.
plus, i love the young boys choirs. it gives me such chills. more than any other choir, almost, i think.
so... that's another reason.
they are really just stacking up, the reasons are.
here's another:
i speak English.
so... no language barrier there.

"Have you seen my love" by Rosie Thomas is really quitequite lovely.

anyhow, i have crackers and cheese to eat, matters to attend to.
i wonder what motivates you?




it's raining out. Harper is much emptier than a normal wednesday at 12:10. A lot of people must be gone for Thanksgiving, everyone in the world except for my teachers.

things i am discovering:
sometimes i don't mind sleeping with socks on.
mustard is good.
everyone discusses/relates to the idea of human connection.

that last one? it's really beginning to blow my mind.
for years my dad has taught me that as humans we have a knowledge of God without ever being taught about him, simply because we have an unexplained desire to connect that is never filled with anything here on earth.
interestingly enough, harper classes are subconciously teaching this same exact thing, or at least showing how it is evident from hundreds of years ago until today.
in theatre class we were discussing playwrights, and how the most common theme was the fundamental human question. how do we connect with each other?
in art class the teacher was discussing how in art we see loneliness and love combined, we are never full with one person. the more we are with them, the more we are aware that we will never know them and they will never know us. we will never know perfect completeness, and yet we still strive.
in literature, so many writers discussed this same fundamental human question. our connections. how do we connect? how do we fill this longing?
all of this was coming together at the same time, and i was almost surprised to see how obvious throughout history and today that we feel the need to connect, to share. movies, song lyrics. how is life worth living without someone to spend it with? i just saw Cabaret at Harper [i wouldn't recommend it] and that was one of the lines. The German/Jew man said to his love something like "I want to be with you. For what is life if you have none to live it with?"
And yet no one is asking the question why? Why are we filled with this longing, throughout history, today?

so that's been on my mind a bit.




this might be just a half a post, but i'll call it ten anyhow.

2 quick thoughts:

1. heard on the radio about Christmas gift giving. a woman was complaining that her husband always got her kitchen gadgets and never diamonds.
after some serious thinking, i'm pretty sure i'd take a kitchen gadget over diamonds any day.
i just... really dislike diamonds. engagement rings are one thing, but random diamond earrings and diamond drop necklaces... there are a lot more creative things you could get.
like cookie sheets. measuring cups. juicer. this is not sarcasm, mind you.

2. Read this for homework today. it made me laugh.
"Take a woman's head, stuff it with a smattering of philosophy and literature chopped small, and with false notions of society baked hard, let it hang over a desk a few hours every day, and serve up hot in feeble English, when not required."
George Eliot on women novelists...

Alright then. Back to homework. I hope you are having a lovely day.




long days and nights.
tonight you can paint me melancholy, i think.
just kidding, i just checked that on dictionary.com
"a gloomy state of mind"

so. not gloomy.
the more i turn it over in my mind,
i find really dislike that word.
nothing near gloomy.
but not an antonym of either.
somewhere in the middle.
somewhere around tired.
weary. weary of mind.

i worry for you.
too much.
"you" encompasses more than just you, in fact.
"you" is a lot.
in fact, there's probably a lot of you who would never think that you would be part of that group.
but i can't help it.
i see you.
i worry for you.

working sound for the show is interesting.
there's a lot that i see and hear.
at times, amusing.
often, encouraging.
other times, disappointing.
so many wonderful people

but aren't we all?
those things...]

my feet are cold.
i need to regain some hope.
honesty: sometimes i really let things get to me.
so. i shall try to not let things get to me.
finals are coming up soon, unbelievably soon.
projects start just around the corner.
can you believe it?
things have flown by.

i feel a lot steadier, after this semester, of what i want to pursue.
slowly, i'm feeling more sure of my footing.
it's fantastic!

how are you?




Tonight I am actually fulfilling the title of this blog. I have tea. I am feeling whimsical. It's a lovely combination. I feel a longish entry coming on, perhaps. Brace thyself.

I kind of wanted to start this entry off with something about the goose call I heard outside... something that might slightly resemble a facebook status. "Christina is feeling like the lonely call of a wild goose."
Not necessarily because that's how I'm really feeling, I just like how it sounds. I think I tend to do that, write or say something because I think it sounds nice. I wish I wouldn't, because looking back it's very melodramatic, drama queen diva writer. You know? So I will try to refrain.
Although tonight, that feels true, actually. Still. I will refrain. I will stick with my current facebook status that is recurrent, a title to a Coldplay song that Mansoonie so kindly introduced to me. "Swallowed in the Sea." It's nice.

That goose call was really really beautiful though. I wish you could have heard it. I just love fall so very much. It's such a wonderful time to be alive.

I think it's funny the habits that people get into. Something like sleeping, for instance. In the summertime I sleep a certain way, and then as it gets colder I switch because our house is frigid, and the tighter my body is curled, the better. However, I always lay on my right side whilst reflecting/praying/stressing and then switch to my left when it's time to sleep. Always. I always go to the same bathroom at Harper, even if another one is closer. I always go to the same water fountains, even though one of them is really awful. I think I always put my left shoe on first. Every morning I let my dog out and then go to the bathroom and then feed my dog and then step outside to check the weather.

There was a man eating crackers at Harper yesterday. He ate his crackers in a very specific, unique way. Imagine, if you will, how a squirrel eats. It's got those cute little paws, stuffs a cracker into its mouth, and then slowly chews it down until it's all gone. Now imagine a grown man eating a cracker like that, except no paws. No hands. Just puts this [rather large] cracker in his mouth, lets it sit there as he reads or writes, and slowly chews it down until it's all gone. I watched him eat six crackers that way. I counted. It was just... really interesting.

You cut me down a tree
And brought it back to me
And that's what made me see
Where I was going wrong

In Lit class we are talking about the Victorian era, and how important it was for them to know how they were being represented, and how they were representing themselves. It's interesting to look at how different author's literature influenced the way that society was viewed, the way we view their society. It makes me wonder how literature today would affect the view of our society in the future. What if someone read something I wrote and based their view of life in 2007 on that? What would they say? What would be defining characteristics of this culture in literature? Literature changed a lot in England with the rise of industrialization, that's why all the novels are a bajillion pages, like David Copperfield, because suddenly it was so much easier to print things cheaply. How about the internet, how does that affect literature today?

I am a nerd. I like school. I like Lit class. And I really love Sign Language classes. I just go in and smile, it's so fantastic. I've got expressive exam #3 on Monday. I can now ask you to go to the store and buy me some cigarettes in ASL. I've come a long way.

There are some lovely flowers sitting in front of me. I think I can smell them.

Adam Lambert can really just... belt out a song. I mean, honestly....

And I could write it down
And spread it all around
Get lost and then get found
And you'll come back to me
Not swallowed in the sea

And I could write a song
A hundred miles long
Well that's where I belong
And you belong with m




my my. look at the time. but i'm too awake to go to bed just yet. i've just been working tirelessly on a paper for my lit class. this paper had better turn out alright. i'm proud to say i am not using a single internet source, a very difficult thing. i'm using 4 book sources, and books have such a wealth of information, it's very difficult to get through it all.

today was a bit of a stressful day. i'm talking near breakdown material. i had so much homework left over from the weekend [two parties to attend/throw], and when i'm stressed i get emotional, and when i get emotional i start second guessing myself on very very simple things, making them oh-so-complex. honestly...

my evening looked up a bit, safe at home. at this point i know i can make it through tomorrow, and that is all i really need to worry about. i needn't worry myself about the next two weeks, there is absolutely nothing i can do about them now.

transitions, i loathe you so terribly. loathe with utter loathing.

the "coffehouse" radio station has goood songs on it. my kind of songs.

my lit teacher reminds me a bit of my father. he wears a black t-shirt and tucks it into his jeans and takes long pauses in the middle of a sentence. one difference i can think of is his catch phrase is "ok?" in a quiet, careful kind of way, while my dad's is "you understand what i'm saying?" they both basically mean the same thing, though.

i like turtlenecks.

happy birthday dearest mummsie.


how can i tell you i love you, i love you. but i can't think of the right words to say. wherever i am, i'm always walking with you, but i look and you're not there.



Lit class was canceled, so i have some time. time is nice.

i went down to the city last week and the week before. i really love the city. i love visiting, anyhow. i don't know if i could live there for more than a few years, but visiting it so amazing. it's such an exciting place, so much going on at any given moment.
the first time i went down it was just my dad and i. we went to the art museum first for a project for my art class. it was either go with my dad or go with creepy kyle from class who so kindly offered to escort me. in this case, the choice is clear. plus, who better to go with than the man who's been there a hundred times and knows everything about every work of art there?
with some of the art, it was as if i was seeing it for the first time. i think it was because my outlook was totally different. i wasn't going because i was forced to go with my dad and an art class that i may or not have been in. i was going... well, because of my assignment, but i also went with the idea of learning something, seeing something specific. it was actually a really great time. best time i've had at the art institute, i think.

after the art institute we bummed around a bit, saw the bean, the large faces on those water things [both things i have never seen before. we always go straight from the train station to the art institute, or to the theater. nowhere else.], and then went and relaxed at argo tea with some quiche. the quiche at argo tea is to die for, soooo good.
two empty plates and tea cups later we took the red line down to Belmont, to visit some of my dad's past haunts. crazy place. crazy times. sweeet resale shop. sad, sad people.
one more stop at argo tea, and then we took the train home with some cubbies fans who were drowning their sorrows about the loss in extravagant amounts of liquor. the man in front of us actually had his diploma handed to him by george bush senior, and went to a little cocktail luncheon with bill clinton. he also helped found willow creek church. honestly, what a guy.

the second time to the city was to see "The Crucible" at Steppenwolf. i've never been to the area in which Steppenwolf is located, and it's a really nice area. we stopped by Border's first, and Laaren Hunnie and i gazed longingly at a book of Ireland.
"The Crucible" was fantastic and remarkable. i really, really enjoyed it. it was so neat too, because the show we attended had interpreters for the Deaf community there. i went up afterwards and asked them a few questions about how they got started and all that. so interesting. interpreting for theatre is the neatest thing.

"the city's changing, cuz we're changing, and we're all in this together..."

i'm thinking of changing how i write my 2's, because at this point they are a bit hard to distinguish.

when i was younger i used to turn on a Celine Dion tape [it was a tape, then] and listen to her sing, and then close my eyes and mouth the words and try as hard as i could to imagine that it was her voice coming out of my mouth.

playing the piano can be very frustrating. i know what i need to do, i know how to move my hands and fingers, i know the notes that i see. but somehow along the way from my brain to my fingers there is a hiccup. why can't i just look and see and then play perfectly?
i think that is one reason why drawing would frustrate me when i was younger. i would see the tree/hand/foot/face/glass/apple in front of me, and i knew what it looked like, i knew how to make lines of various length and shade, but for some reason my hand would not do what i knew it needed to do. my dad would tell me that i wasn't really seeing the object, but thinking of what it looked like. i had to forget my perception of the object itself in order to draw it.

anyhow, i should go. i've got a theatre exam coming up that i did indeed study for, but i probably could use a little refreshing.



and a half

[too short. i don't quite count it as an entry.]

i saw a leaf bug today. the really interesting thing about leaf bugs is that they have leaves for wings. i mean, birds have feathers, and butterflies have...y'know... wing things. but these bugs actually fly away on leaves. i think that i might like to have a pair of red leaf wings. yes.

i don't know why i ever try and paint my [finger]nails. it never, ever works out right.


p.s. am very vexed at lack of computer response. nothing works anymore. while i can look at facebook, it is impossible to respond/change status here at our house.
wretched thing.



just a few minutes until intro to theatre. i've eaten my tuna fish and half a bag of Dorito's, and i have several moments to spare.

it started out as a terrible day with a late start and a missing piece to my fingerspelling homework assignement, but by 10:05 things were looking up with a full tank of gas and a number of good songs with Eric and Kathy in the morning. You know what song is never on the radio? "Yellow." But today it made a much needed appearance just as we were pulling into the Harper parking lot.

this weekend looks busy. i have a paper due on monday for Lit that he just assigned today [and i really dislike explications]. i have a friday that looks like a friday might look like, save for a detail or two. saturday looks like a city visit with my pappy, and sunday is a deaf church service. Tomorrow looks bright and shining, complete with a tea party and etiquette lesson with 22 little girls.

these days my dog Kanoa and I are equally excited to go walking. have you been out? lovely breezes and smells, and wonderful crunchy leaves to stomp on.

it's getting close. i had something to say, but i'll leave it for later.




today, whilst i was walking back from parking lot 2, a lady with a fun accent [think of that lady from Pirates 2 & 3, "sail to de ends of de ert..." very similar.] came up to me and asked me if i have heard of hollister ['ollister] or abercrombie, and if i would like a job there, getting paid 9.50 an hour. she was the manager at the one at woodfield. the job would work around my college schedule. i couldn't turn down an offer like that! i told her to hook me up!

just kidding. i told her i was happily employed, but thank you for asking.

i had a chocolate pudding cup with lunch today, here at college. did i lick the lid? yes. yes i did. i also burned my lip eating a BOILING ham and cheese hot pocket. it was one of those really unattractive gasping moments, where you open and close your mouth several times, trying not to spit out the hot hot food, trying to breath in as much cooling air as possible.

the heels/back of the foot area of the girl in front of me during LIT class are very calloused and bruised. i think she wears a lot of high heels. no pain, no gain. i don't think heels would suit her. her flip-flops today were good.

must do extensive research on deaf theater. must practice practice practice sign language. got results from expressive exam back - not so good.




went frog-hunting with my pappy at the creek down the street, near the library. we rode our bikes there. he got two frogs, and eventually [17 years later] i finally caught one. then we had a little frog race, pappy's won, but just because he threw him in the creek. we forgot to name them at the time, but mine would have most certainly been named Rufio.

s0meday i'm going to buy a pair of cowboy boots.

three things i am very excited about owning once i have my own house:
1. a can opener
2. a four-slot toaster
3. a vacuum cleaner [dyson?]

"Why can't you see this boat is sinking
(this boat is sinking this boat is sinking)
Let's go down to the water's edge
And we can cast away those doubts
Some things are better left unsaid
But they still turn me inside out
Turning inside out turning inside out
Tell me...

This is the book I never read
These are the words I never said
This is the path I'll never tread
These are the dreams I'll dream instead
This is the joy that's seldom spread
These are the tears...The tears we shed
This is the fear
This is the dread
These are the contents of my head
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel?
'cause i don't think you know how I feel
I don't think you know what I feel
I don't think you know what I feel
You don't know what I feel"
why; annie lennox

[i saw a dance to that song. it made me want to dance.]

i've got a considerable amount of homework that i might want to jump on.
tomorrow, i run.

let it be,



Our dryer is broken. I never realized how partial I was to warm, smelling like fabric softener clothes. Now it's line dried in the basement smell... not so good. I've lived a pampered life.

Did you know they were making Cinderella 3? I've never even seen the second one.

Sun Chips has a new look. I think they taste funny now too. Bugger. Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips were the best!

A few days back we had to clean the CYT office [yes. yes, i am a janitor, and it's a pretty sweet job. free tootsie rolls]. I mostly always have the job of sweeping the floor with one of those gimongous floor sweepers. It always reminds me of sweeping the lodge at camp, and having to switch arms frequently so that I would "build even muscles." The only difference is that it's silent floor sweeping. No Police or Coldplay, or people yelling about the sweepers or "I need a butler!!"

Harper is going well. I'm really liking this semester. I had an expressive exam in ASL yesterday, it was a tad frightening. Just me and my Deaf teacher, chatting it out for ten minutes.
English Lit is a funny class. Basically, thus far, we've just been speculating about the meanings of various poems and how it relates to the period and historical events. We had to read a poem called "Michael" by Wordsworth a few days ago, and then in class he asked this one girl named Megan to give us a summary of the beginning of the poem, the first 50-100 lines or so. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that Megan had not read the poem.
"Um....I'm not really sure, I think the author has a lot to say," she said.
"The author or the speaker of the poem?" asked the teacher.
"Uh, well both. I mean. Yeah. Like, he talks about the land." She's frantically skimming over the poem.
"Right. Good. Does he say anything about his family?"
[it does, but later on. Megan takes a glance at the first few lines and grasps at straws...]
"Well...like. Definitely. I mean. He says that he looks at the sky. And. Like. You can see shapes in the clouds. So. Yeah. Like I think he's saying that he can see his family in the sky. The clouds. In the shapes of the clouds."
The teacher pauses. Everyone is staring at her.
"...or something," she tries to finish it off strong.
"Sure. Sure, that could be it." The teacher riffles through his pages, searching for a way out. "Well. Let's continue then."
It was a pretty hilarious moment. I felt bad for Megan.
Sometimes in this class it can get a bit dull, and I find myself dreaming up various scenarios. What would I do if there was a bomb scare, or an armed crazy man who jumps into our classroom? Somehow in the end I single-handedly save all of Harper College, and have free college classes for the rest of my life. I'm 80 years old and still taking yoga and sculpture classes.

Hum... 11:40. Must go and make final preparations for American Girl class tonight. Possibly read a bit of homework stuffs, probably not.




Am really dreading first entry. Will just get it over with so I can write in a normal way.

I'm feeling quite bold, starting a new blog. I could be anyone right now. I could be pretend to be deeply intellectual, or a humorous but slightly unbearable cynic. I could be an artist, model, football crazed, mother with six children.

However, the plain and simple truth is that I am Christina, and will remain to be so. In fact, my Intro to Arts instructor, Doug Manley, put this very idea in a unique and gripping way. Quote: Being you is what you should be. End quote. Right on.

It was just time for a change. Gone with xanga [which had just about died of old age anyhow].

I like driving in cloudy weater.
I'm run dry of first words.

p.s. am officially Christina now, as I introduced myself so a few days past. further emphasized my need for a new blog site, as old site I was Tina or other shortened names.