I am listening to The Wailin Jenny's and laying on the floor because my body is tired of moving. I just danced for a long time. I like dancing. Also, I've become mildly addicted to the two Wailin Jenny's albums that I have, and when I'm feeling melancholy or quiet, I listen to The Swell Season. I have so much new music to listen to, but I just rediscovered these three albums and simply cannot get enough.
Yesterday was a lovely day, I do hope that you were out and enjoying it. The fellow and I went out and picnic-ed, then bought a kite and were very entertained with it for several hours. This was no ordinary charlie brown kite, but rather a jet-shaped kite with two handles. This hardcore kite could effectively twirl and swirl around, and also dive-bomb unsuspecting persons. I was almost impaled several times, and also nearly impaled Curt. Little did we know what a dangerous pastime kite-flying was, and we were lucky to make it out alive. It was grand times.
I've had an entry in my head for a while now, but somehow can't get it out. I can't even moleskine journal it. It's just locked up inside and refuses to have words shape it. This is vexing.
We played lots of Irish music in the coffee shop for the days leading up to St. Patricks Day. There is something so charming about the flute & fiddle & banjo & bagpipes, lilting voices singing a soft ballad or some brash pub song. It was just fantastic. Now we're back to "alternative" which is nice. We play David Gray, Dave Matthews, Colbie Caillat, Joe Purdy and Iron & Wine...and muchas more. It's good music.
I smell.
Elena, my russian boss at the coffee house, is so funny. I always laugh when she swears, I can't help it. She'll get all in a huff about something and swear with such feeling. She has all these random quotes and sayings, it's so unexpected and hilarious.
Sometimes i really like sad songs, even when i'm not sad. sometimes i wish i was sad more often, so that i could sing these songs and be really dramatic and it would be like i was in a movie.
[confession: sometimes when a sad song plays on my ipod and i'm driving, i pretend like i'm in a movie, in which that song would play on the soundtrack.
i will pretend that i'm running for my life to another state or was brutally kicked out or someone died or something equally dramatic.
my character just drives and burst into tears with the most perfect song playing in the background.
it's crazy fun.
& now i have the added bonus of knowing precisely what song to play if any of these things ever happen.]
i am learning how to knit. it's great. the other day i sat on my front porch swing with a big blanket and knitted, then called it a night at 9:00. i'm the oldest 20 year old ever. i love my life.
the other day lauren hunnie and i sang "one voice" together & it was amazing.