Gilbert has no claws and a great personality, even though he can be a bit bipolar.
Gilbert has a orange cat girlfriend. We call her Anne.
Anne likes to come up and steal Gilbert's food that we leave out on the front porch for him.
Anne also has an orange cat friend. That cat is nameless.
Anne invites her orange cat friend to come and eat food too. We'll walk out to the front porch and it will be a little party, Gilbert entertaining his two friends. They are shy, though, and run away. Plus Gil is a terrible host because he sits in the corner sulking.
The word has gotten out to other neighborhood animals that we leave out a decent amount of food.
Bill, the friendly possum, makes his way up our stairs for a little snack on occasion.
Lou, the brave raccoon has surprised me more than one early morning when I walk out at 5 to go to work.
I send Kanoa after him. Lou climbs a tree. I have nightmares of Lou leaping onto me from some low branch on a windy morning. True story.
Anyhow. Life is madness with the show & trying to figure out what I'm doing with school [and my life].
Work stays the same. Met a voice-over actor the other day. I think he was the first voice-over actor I'd ever met [i love my job & meeting people with random professions/interests]. Unfortunately, the market isn't too huge for that kind of specialty so he's working at some world food/decor store. He says he spends all his money on European decor he doesn't need and has no place for instead of being a rich voice-over actor. He also spends his money on White Chocolate Mocha's with an extra shot. I would know.
I had so much more to write about Derek Webb and Oswald Chambers and leaves and paths that you follow. Too tired. Let's chat about it some other time, maybe while listening to music & eating nutella?