

Someday I will have time to update this again, for cereal.
Currently I am immersed in a production/working/possibly selling the house.

On the upside:
I have time to write in the moleskine at work sometimes, so the pages are gradually getting fuller.
Sometimes I even try to write poetry.
I like to pretend to write poetry.
[All I really do is put the words
and sentences
in separate lines.
like this.
then i put in some
or strange visual comparisons.
and call it
it works for me.]

Chris is watching Wanted and I am very unimpressed. 
This is partly because I saw this main actor in that other movie he was in, Atonement, and I thought he was creepy and strange.

Do you know that it's sad to not perform any more? I like watching everyone onstage, but sometimes I wish I was just one of the chorus kids again who would not be paying any attention but would also kind of think they are the star...


lane said...
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lane said...

Hi, Christina!

I really like how you defined writing poetry and it got me laughing. In fact, I just bookmarked your site. In times when I find writing poems a chore, I'll look back to this post and I'll be good as new. Thanks a lot for the simplistic view. It made my day. :)

I can feel you really love performing so here's wishing you can get back to doing it. It's really emotionally fulfilling to be doing what you love the most. :)