

twenty two is kind of fun to say.

i love my father.
he has this funny road rage issue, as if everyone on the road has some sort of personal vendetta against him. if someone cuts him off it's the greatest insult, and was completely intentional to ruin his entire day.
maybe it's not always funny.
just in retrospect, actually.

if you know beforehand that it's going to be a boring class, it's a good idea to sit next to a doodler. it makes things much more interesting. i sat next to the boy who drew monkeys over and over. monkeys? i draw eyes or bad 5-pointed stars or noses or clouds. i thought monkeys were an interesting choice.

my english teacher is a real hoot. all teachers have funny habits that you can't help but notice or chortle at, and he is no exception. he has this mouth thing... he twitches his lips constantly, and when focusing on something like handing out papers he rolls imaginary food or gum around and around. he also always likes to stick his hand in the projector when pointing something out, so his fingers appear massive on the screen. he does not cut his nails.
i don't think it would be a bad thing if he tried to challenge the students a bit more. it's English 102, everyone can relax because we all [hopefully] know what a thesis statement is, we don't have to go over where to put a comma, it's more literary, reading and analyzing. i want to like it. i want to think about it. he briefly touched on the idea of existentialism in a short story we were reading, and then quickly stepped away from it. but honestly, i think students in the class would much rather discuss larger ideas like that than discuss how obsessed Jimmy was with Martha [very obsessed].
at least i would.

my speech teacher?
please... look up images of wormtail from Harry Potter.
she could be his twin.
i kid you not.

plans for spring are under way.
originally i thought they were already finished, it would be relaxed and laidback with free weekends, but now it looks like plans may change.
they tend to do that, don't they?
it would be a good opportunity...
but i do like free weekends.
especially because i need to attend 8 hours of Deaf Events.
decisions decisions.

sometimes i toy with the idea of a short hair cut.
like right now.
it was awful in the past,
but this time it might be different?

my father asked me this:
"if you knew beforehand that something you created would one day destroy you, would you still create it?"
i had to ponder on this. i've got it now.
what do you think?

i am looking forward to Feb. 29th.

i had a great saturday. i saw C.S. Lewis onstage, this fantastic one man show. it's over now, so if you've missed it, you should be terribly disappointed. i would have loved to sit and chat with that man over some tea. or "tea" for him.
actually both of them. the character and the actor.
at the same time.
the show inspired much thought. i'll have to go and read those books now, definitely.

must go. i'm going to finish east of eden this week, i have a feeling. that would be superb.




Oh, tie me to the end of a kite
So I can go on, I can go on with my life
Every time the wind blows stronger,
I will feel my spirit rise
I just want to go away from here

Oh, tie me up tightly by your side
So I may go with you where ever you reside
And anytime the road looks dimmer
I will be your guiding light
I just want to go away with you
I just want to go away with you

I would like to write these songs.

Ballet gets out the same time as senior citizen water aerobics, so it's just me and the older women hanging in the locker room. They nod and smile and say "goodbye kiddo" when I leave. I like being called kiddo.
They are brave older women too, no cringing behind doors to change, no sir. They flaunt it.
We should all be so free.

If I find him, if I just follow
Would he hold me and never let me go
Would he let me borrow his wool winter coat
I don't know
I don't know

Speech class will be very easy. Almost ridiculously easy. I was warned before the class that it would be easy, I just didn't expect quite this.

Both days I'm here I have this glorious 4 hour break in the morning. I am determined to finish the two books I am reading rather swiftly, and also play the piano in the amazing practice rooms. Maybe I will make a hat. The options are really endless. I will not, however, spend mindless hours on the computer, stalking people that I hardly know on facebook, or looking up random internet sites that I will regret later. I didn't do so well today, but come Wednesday I will limit my computer time considerably.

I have very officially decided that I will not use "Here comes the Bride" while walking down the aisle. Instead I will use a devastatingly beautiful piece, like something from the Finding Neverland soundtrack.

I have much farther to go
Everything is new and so unpredictable
I should just kick my heels together and go home
But I’m not sure where that is anymore

Quiche is yummy.

I can't wait to wear my polka-dot galoshes.

There's airplane in the sky
With a banner right behind
loneliness is just a crime
Look each other in the eye
And say hello


p.s. i'm sorry.



Sometimes people take life to seriously.
I know a few people like that.

I heard that children that are kindergarten age find around 200 things to laugh at every day, and adults find around 17 things to laugh about every day.

I didn't make any new years resolutions, but if I did, I think it would be to find more things to laugh about.




no more LOST tonight. did you know you can watch it online? so addicting... moreso than jetman which i have officially given up on. i may even delete it so as not to tempt myself to play it at school anymore. i have better things to do than play jetman.
like catch up on LOST.

i was thinking about what kind of music you smelled like.
sometimes we tag emotions or memories to how people smell.
my dad smells like jazz, i think.
[but he said he thought he smelled like minimalist music. obviously he has a biased point of view.
you can't judge what music you smell like.
you just pick what you want.]
i say this because he smells smoky quite often, from incense and cigars and pipe tobacco.
jazz is kind of smoky.
he also smells like his paintings, and his oils.
it just makes me think of jazz.

my sister smells like children's music.
like nursery rhyme songs.
she's constantly cutting and pasting, using markers and glue
like she's still in kindergarten.
it makes me think of children's music.
it fits her.
she's very youthful.

i can't think of what my mom smells like.
she's just everything a mother should smell like.
comforting and soft and lovely, you know?

i wonder what music i smell like.
i might have my preferences,
but i'm biased.

i don't think i would love to play the bagpipes
but i sure would love it if you did.
you might play for me often
if you liked.

currently reading "East of Eden" thank you Frank.
also "Surprised by Joy" which is a veryvery ironic book.
it's ironic how much i nod my head at.
what C.S. Lewis defines joy as is so interesting
and even moreso
i know precisely what he's talking about, i think.
it would be cheesy to say it.
you might like to read it.
i'm enjoying it anyhow.

[i won't let you steal my dream.]

i'm wearing my brother's sweatshirt right now. i miss him.
he's not gone
he's just not around.

i love the vinesmiths
more than autumn
and pecan clusters
put together.




You know those quiz things? Well, I took one to see what month I would be. You'll never guess, it's only my absolute favorite:

You are AUTUMN, dry and cool, like earth.

Autumn is a nice season to be, lookey here...

You are beautiful, highly creative, and slightly distant, an intellect.


Sometimes there is no need to express emotions in words. You appreciate music, asthetics or arts in other forms, you are a living poem yourself; desirable and interesting.

That first part: so true.

You differ from others, and that is what makes you an interesting and fascinating person to be with.

It's all very nice. I like season quizzes.

I heard that young kids find 200 things to laugh at a day, while adults find 17 things to laugh at a day.
Isn't that sad? I know too many people who take life too seriously. Sometimes it's so nice to just laugh at everything or nothing. Sometimes it's so important to find the humor in everyday situations, or else things get so mundane.
When I think of someone who laughs a lot, I think of Janelle. This girl laughs so much, I have never heard her not laugh at least once during the course of a conversation. I just love it.

I played Frisbee with some camp friends on Saturday. My throw is alright, but I have some serious problems with catching. It's a little embarrassing.
After Frisbee I went to a sock hop which was freaking amazing. I love swing dancing with a large portion of my heart, it's such a fun, kicky form of dance. I could do it all day.

School starts in a week and 2 days. I still have not bettered my jetman score. Confidence is waning. I ordered my ballet leotards today, and absolutely cannot wait to receive them. Absolutely. Cannot. Wait.

Life cereal is really good. I wish I had some Life cereal.

I saw the movie "Once" last night and downloaded the soundtrack today. I would strongly advise you to do the same.

Our Christmas tree is finally coming down. I realize this is very late. It smells so good, I will miss it muchas muchas.

My Dad told me today to write children's books. He's told me that before.

I need to go wash dishes before Mum comes home...




i would like to fill all the rest of these winter break days with ice skating in the city, bear hugs and music.

i really would.

rediscovery is always so wonderful.

i hate second guessing myself.

i wish i had a glimpse to what this year will bring, because i'm just on the edge of my seat.
