
two hundred. nine.

Took Kanoa for a lovely walk today.
We got all bundled up
(well, I did)
and walked to the sledding hill and sat at the top.
Kanoa takes wide open spaces to mean reckless frolicking
so i sat on the bench and watched her
then raced her to the bottom of the hill.
She won.
Sheffield was quite distraught being left at home.

Started ANOTHER book.
But I've put it away now, for the time being.
Just a book of essays.
So easy to just read a chapter or two.

Not very far yet into Pagan Christianity.
At times I feel vastly unprepared for topics like this & like others.
Tend to give up a little.
This time I'm trying to pair the book with similar study, like studying Acts and the early church, listening to lectures on church history, etc. That way I feel more rounded in what I learn, not just reading a book.
I'll be honest and say that it's easy for me to do a poor job of it.
I'll quit reading altogether for a week or two because I feel quite at a loss at conflicting opinions, at things I don't know.
Something to work on.
I'm not to have a spirit of fear.

A woman who gets a small latte with no lid and no sleeve sat and talked with me for a bit last week.
[Do you see what her drink says about her?
She doesn't like waste.
Usually she'll bring her own mug, but this time she forgot.]
She is the sweetest lady ever, and I'm probably not exaggerating.
She is that earth mother type, you know? A little off the wall, very peaceful, soft smiles, etc.
When I asked her if she made any New Years Resolutions she replied with: "I believe that every moment is new."
Which meant no.
We chatted some more.
I would say something
she would agree
she would say something
i would hastily nod.
Interesting how two people with vastly different belief systems can be so alike on certain things.
At one point though, I was talking about how much I loved working at the coffee shop and she said she understood. She told me about how she used to work at a coffee shop too, and loved it because of how she would see herself in others, just like how she saw herself in me.
And it struck me how that was such a self-centered concept.
Even though I'll admit I'm a pretty selfish person, I can honestly say that I have never loved working at a coffee shop for that reason.
I love the people for who they are, for their angels and their demons, for lessons learned, for stories, goodness, don't I love the stories the best.
& how delightfully unique yet similar they are, sleepy persons who walk through that door.
I don't look at them to then turn inward.
There are many things that make me self-aware, conscious. You know? It imprisons you, yet of course you know because we are all caught there sometimes.
Not quite sure if that all makes sense.
This could miles longer, I could start talking about art & music & other things.
It just struck me, sort of. You have this idea of namaste, of bowing to the divinity in each other but it just becomes a glorification of yourself.

 Anyhow, if you've made it here, now go and read this. Thought it was interesting.
I'm off to eat some chunky monkey ice cream before heading to bed.
Hope you're sleeping tight.


Faith said...

I like this post, for a number of small and probably random sounding reasons. So, just popping by to say: Write on.

Christina Hope said...

Faith, I like you & your encouragement was so timely. Thank you. :]