
two hundred. thirteen.

& I heard
"You aren't called to fully understand God. You are called to worship Him."
which made me think
perhaps I've been worrying about and mulling over the wrong bits.

then I wonder where the line is between being steadfast in your faith and being stubborn in your beliefs.
and who is too fearful to be one or the other
but sits in neutrality?

What is in front of you?
Do that.
& freedom must begin in obedience.
[at which I balk, I know.]

Here are some words that aren't mine
since mine aren't very concise:

"Reason tells me about the truth, but I really cannot grasp what it means; I can’t understand it without art. Edwards said that unless you use imagination, unless you take a truth and you image it – which of course is art – you don’t know what it means. If you cannot visualize it, you don’t have a sense of it on your heart."
[Tim Keller]

What do you think?

Grateful for the crescent moon hanging in the sky this morning as I drove off to work and the loud greetings of the birds who were far more awake than I.

Yesterday, we were inspired by the various food/farm documentaries we've been watching and books we've been reading, so we all went out and hunted down some farms in the area. Some were out of our price range but some we could afford. In a year or two, perhaps, we'll get one.
For now, it turns out the study downstairs will be *mostly* mine and I'll hole up in there to write & sew. Or we'll all gather there. Things are going so well I think it's about time to ask for a kitten again. Yes?

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