

Our dryer is broken. I never realized how partial I was to warm, smelling like fabric softener clothes. Now it's line dried in the basement smell... not so good. I've lived a pampered life.

Did you know they were making Cinderella 3? I've never even seen the second one.

Sun Chips has a new look. I think they taste funny now too. Bugger. Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips were the best!

A few days back we had to clean the CYT office [yes. yes, i am a janitor, and it's a pretty sweet job. free tootsie rolls]. I mostly always have the job of sweeping the floor with one of those gimongous floor sweepers. It always reminds me of sweeping the lodge at camp, and having to switch arms frequently so that I would "build even muscles." The only difference is that it's silent floor sweeping. No Police or Coldplay, or people yelling about the sweepers or "I need a butler!!"

Harper is going well. I'm really liking this semester. I had an expressive exam in ASL yesterday, it was a tad frightening. Just me and my Deaf teacher, chatting it out for ten minutes.
English Lit is a funny class. Basically, thus far, we've just been speculating about the meanings of various poems and how it relates to the period and historical events. We had to read a poem called "Michael" by Wordsworth a few days ago, and then in class he asked this one girl named Megan to give us a summary of the beginning of the poem, the first 50-100 lines or so. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that Megan had not read the poem.
"Um....I'm not really sure, I think the author has a lot to say," she said.
"The author or the speaker of the poem?" asked the teacher.
"Uh, well both. I mean. Yeah. Like, he talks about the land." She's frantically skimming over the poem.
"Right. Good. Does he say anything about his family?"
[it does, but later on. Megan takes a glance at the first few lines and grasps at straws...]
"Well...like. Definitely. I mean. He says that he looks at the sky. And. Like. You can see shapes in the clouds. So. Yeah. Like I think he's saying that he can see his family in the sky. The clouds. In the shapes of the clouds."
The teacher pauses. Everyone is staring at her.
"...or something," she tries to finish it off strong.
"Sure. Sure, that could be it." The teacher riffles through his pages, searching for a way out. "Well. Let's continue then."
It was a pretty hilarious moment. I felt bad for Megan.
Sometimes in this class it can get a bit dull, and I find myself dreaming up various scenarios. What would I do if there was a bomb scare, or an armed crazy man who jumps into our classroom? Somehow in the end I single-handedly save all of Harper College, and have free college classes for the rest of my life. I'm 80 years old and still taking yoga and sculpture classes.

Hum... 11:40. Must go and make final preparations for American Girl class tonight. Possibly read a bit of homework stuffs, probably not.


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