

this might be just a half a post, but i'll call it ten anyhow.

2 quick thoughts:

1. heard on the radio about Christmas gift giving. a woman was complaining that her husband always got her kitchen gadgets and never diamonds.
after some serious thinking, i'm pretty sure i'd take a kitchen gadget over diamonds any day.
i just... really dislike diamonds. engagement rings are one thing, but random diamond earrings and diamond drop necklaces... there are a lot more creative things you could get.
like cookie sheets. measuring cups. juicer. this is not sarcasm, mind you.

2. Read this for homework today. it made me laugh.
"Take a woman's head, stuff it with a smattering of philosophy and literature chopped small, and with false notions of society baked hard, let it hang over a desk a few hours every day, and serve up hot in feeble English, when not required."
George Eliot on women novelists...

Alright then. Back to homework. I hope you are having a lovely day.


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