

the fellow left this morning. 
it's all very sad. 
i can think of a hundred things to tell him at this exact moment, partially because i know i can't just pick up the phone and tell them to him. 
seven weeks seems like a long time. but when i say 48 days it seems shorter. and tomorrow it'll only be 47. so i know we'll be alright.

in order to keep myself from falling into morose self pity, and also to get in shape, tai and i have decided to work up to running a half marathon. we have this whole training thing to stick to, and as of today we are feeling pretty confident. we begin to tomorrow, so i'll have to get back to you on that. 
other things on my list of things to do to make the time fly/because i should:
write more in my moleskine
finish sophie's world
start & finish another book on my list of books
finish Sovereignty of God.
play the piano
choreograph a dance for myself, not for a class or anything. just choreograph a dance that i want to dance.
cook something extra delicious every week. or just cook something.

detox week went alright. i didn't get as much sleep as one should. i ate alright, but didn't drink enough water. i consistently didn't wear make-up. 

tai & mumsy are watching Alias. it's all very confusing.

the clouds for the sunset tonight looked so abstract. not your average, 4th grade drawing of puffy clouds, or the wispy ones. they just looked like the Painter was experimenting with different shapes and depths, & it was all a bit hazy. i wonder if you saw the same thing.

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