
one hundred.two.

I obtained a good amount of excellent music this week, including the new Decemberists album, Monsters of Folk album & the new David Gray album. I'm so excited to drive to work now, such wonderful new music to listen to. The thing with the Decemberists album is that it's a complete story from beginning to end, so I feel I must do it justice & listen to it in its entirety, at least at first. Thursday morning gave me an excellent opportunity to just do that, seeing as I'm supposed to meet the manager at work at 5:30 to go in and open up before the coffee shop officially opens at 6. I arrive early, 5:20, and listened to the album on the way over to work. The manager decides it would be a good morning to forget to set his alarm and doesn't arrive until 6:20, well after we're supposed to be open. So, good news, I got through the album. 

Have I mentioned that the fellow is back? No, probably not. But there, now I have & it's the truth, been back for a week now. It's wonderful. 

Felt as if I had fascinating story/hilarious tidbit/anecdote with profound implications to share. Am now feeling slightly muddled & can't quite remember what it was. Trying to think of it reminds me of grabbing for the light string in the closet in the early mornings. I turn on the closet light to find my work clothes at 4:30 in the morning. It's so dark & I'm so tired that I just swing my hand around back and forth, searching for the thin string that inevitably is hooked to the side or something. It's pointless. I should just go back to bed.

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