
one hundred.five.

Watching my mom and sister playing DDR.
I'm sure you can imagine how funny that is.
[written last week. i then got up and played DDR. doubled over in laughter at how ridiculous my sister looked.]

When I was younger, I would read my Bible and imagine that I would find some significant truth in it that no one had discovered in thousands of years. Somehow there would be some special message that would rock the world. Some secret code or phrasing that only I could understand, decipher and share.
I understand this is not the best way to read the Bible. However, it was pretty much totally feasible in my young mind.

I was reading "Into the Wild" but stopped to read "Technopoly" which is effectively making me shake my head every few seconds. Not negative, "what a disappointment" shake, more like hit with a bucket of cold water shake. Shaking up some things I've just not questioned/assumed my whole life. Very interesting.

Today a lady was wiping her eyes while reading Persuasion. I told her I loved that book.
"Isn't it just the best book ever written? It is."
I nodded in agreement to her agreeing with herself.

Spent most of my afternoon today working on Cinderella stuff. That's the next show I'm choreographing [why am I so crazy?]. I'm really looking forward to it, although I'm not used to choreographing waltzing. This will be interesting. Especially going to be fun because my sister is intern choreographing and the fellow has been roped in to help rehearse. It'll be jolly times, no doubt.

I've been writing less and less in the moleskine. Most unfortunate. I feel as if I'm having a more difficult time being motivated to write/expressing myself as easily as I did before. I don't like it. So many changes, sort of wreaks havoc on things. We've all got so little time left of growing up. Still can't get over how strange it is to see us all older and studious or married or working. I really should write because there really are so many things I could be writing about to remember for later on.

Anyhow, I should get on to bed because it's an early morning and a long day tomorrow.
Kanoa says hello.

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