
two hundred. six.

This is going to be a bit of a picture post.
[they are just from my phone, so nothing special.]

I snuck this one of Pappy in a Starbucks.

This is JoJo. He is at that stage where he is too adorable for his own good, and one day we'll look back at these pictures and tell him he used to be so cute. He was using that bowl as a hat and singing "Twinkle Twinkle." Precious. 

One of my favorite Christmas presents.

Ringing in the new year with some of my favorite ladies. We had a classy party at Steph's house, too much fun. We decorated her basement and she made gobs of food - all in all one of the best New Years I've had. 

I already miss "It's A Wonderful Life" and Bing Crosby and all of the excuses to eat Christmas cookies. 
Tonight I had a first go at making homemade pizza with homemade pizza dough and all that. Listened to Feist, she's good cooking music. Turned out pretty well except that by the time I was finished I wasn't very hungry. Does that ever happen to you? It smelled delicious though, I'll munch on some later. I do love cold pizza anyhow.

This afternoon I went & sat at Starbucks (cake pop? yes.) after work and made a list of 12 things for 2012. It's good for me to sit and make goals, I'm one who does well with lists. I feel like I get more accomplished when I begin each season with a new list, and then each month with a new list, and sometimes each day. That might seem overboard, but usually it's just simple things that once I write them down they become more real or pressing. Otherwise if I haven't told myself to clean my room or keep up on correspondence in a moment of clarity, I'll conveniently forget it later on when I would like to be lazy. 

Kanoa is sleeping on my feet. I need to run out to my car but it's just too cozy right here. 

Today I had to sit in my car when I first got home and write down some things that I thought of when I was driving. Sometimes that happens to me, and I feel like I've just been struck by genius and need to write it down immediately because it's so profound. 
Usually I read them again later sort of confused about what all the hub-bub was about. 
Sometimes, though, they are actually interesting. 

Speaking of my car, remember how I always drive sitting way forward? I realized that I was doing that again and laughed. 

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