

my my. look at the time. but i'm too awake to go to bed just yet. i've just been working tirelessly on a paper for my lit class. this paper had better turn out alright. i'm proud to say i am not using a single internet source, a very difficult thing. i'm using 4 book sources, and books have such a wealth of information, it's very difficult to get through it all.

today was a bit of a stressful day. i'm talking near breakdown material. i had so much homework left over from the weekend [two parties to attend/throw], and when i'm stressed i get emotional, and when i get emotional i start second guessing myself on very very simple things, making them oh-so-complex. honestly...

my evening looked up a bit, safe at home. at this point i know i can make it through tomorrow, and that is all i really need to worry about. i needn't worry myself about the next two weeks, there is absolutely nothing i can do about them now.

transitions, i loathe you so terribly. loathe with utter loathing.

the "coffehouse" radio station has goood songs on it. my kind of songs.

my lit teacher reminds me a bit of my father. he wears a black t-shirt and tucks it into his jeans and takes long pauses in the middle of a sentence. one difference i can think of is his catch phrase is "ok?" in a quiet, careful kind of way, while my dad's is "you understand what i'm saying?" they both basically mean the same thing, though.

i like turtlenecks.

happy birthday dearest mummsie.


how can i tell you i love you, i love you. but i can't think of the right words to say. wherever i am, i'm always walking with you, but i look and you're not there.

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