

Lit class was canceled, so i have some time. time is nice.

i went down to the city last week and the week before. i really love the city. i love visiting, anyhow. i don't know if i could live there for more than a few years, but visiting it so amazing. it's such an exciting place, so much going on at any given moment.
the first time i went down it was just my dad and i. we went to the art museum first for a project for my art class. it was either go with my dad or go with creepy kyle from class who so kindly offered to escort me. in this case, the choice is clear. plus, who better to go with than the man who's been there a hundred times and knows everything about every work of art there?
with some of the art, it was as if i was seeing it for the first time. i think it was because my outlook was totally different. i wasn't going because i was forced to go with my dad and an art class that i may or not have been in. i was going... well, because of my assignment, but i also went with the idea of learning something, seeing something specific. it was actually a really great time. best time i've had at the art institute, i think.

after the art institute we bummed around a bit, saw the bean, the large faces on those water things [both things i have never seen before. we always go straight from the train station to the art institute, or to the theater. nowhere else.], and then went and relaxed at argo tea with some quiche. the quiche at argo tea is to die for, soooo good.
two empty plates and tea cups later we took the red line down to Belmont, to visit some of my dad's past haunts. crazy place. crazy times. sweeet resale shop. sad, sad people.
one more stop at argo tea, and then we took the train home with some cubbies fans who were drowning their sorrows about the loss in extravagant amounts of liquor. the man in front of us actually had his diploma handed to him by george bush senior, and went to a little cocktail luncheon with bill clinton. he also helped found willow creek church. honestly, what a guy.

the second time to the city was to see "The Crucible" at Steppenwolf. i've never been to the area in which Steppenwolf is located, and it's a really nice area. we stopped by Border's first, and Laaren Hunnie and i gazed longingly at a book of Ireland.
"The Crucible" was fantastic and remarkable. i really, really enjoyed it. it was so neat too, because the show we attended had interpreters for the Deaf community there. i went up afterwards and asked them a few questions about how they got started and all that. so interesting. interpreting for theatre is the neatest thing.

"the city's changing, cuz we're changing, and we're all in this together..."

i'm thinking of changing how i write my 2's, because at this point they are a bit hard to distinguish.

when i was younger i used to turn on a Celine Dion tape [it was a tape, then] and listen to her sing, and then close my eyes and mouth the words and try as hard as i could to imagine that it was her voice coming out of my mouth.

playing the piano can be very frustrating. i know what i need to do, i know how to move my hands and fingers, i know the notes that i see. but somehow along the way from my brain to my fingers there is a hiccup. why can't i just look and see and then play perfectly?
i think that is one reason why drawing would frustrate me when i was younger. i would see the tree/hand/foot/face/glass/apple in front of me, and i knew what it looked like, i knew how to make lines of various length and shade, but for some reason my hand would not do what i knew it needed to do. my dad would tell me that i wasn't really seeing the object, but thinking of what it looked like. i had to forget my perception of the object itself in order to draw it.

anyhow, i should go. i've got a theatre exam coming up that i did indeed study for, but i probably could use a little refreshing.


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