

no more LOST tonight. did you know you can watch it online? so addicting... moreso than jetman which i have officially given up on. i may even delete it so as not to tempt myself to play it at school anymore. i have better things to do than play jetman.
like catch up on LOST.

i was thinking about what kind of music you smelled like.
sometimes we tag emotions or memories to how people smell.
my dad smells like jazz, i think.
[but he said he thought he smelled like minimalist music. obviously he has a biased point of view.
you can't judge what music you smell like.
you just pick what you want.]
i say this because he smells smoky quite often, from incense and cigars and pipe tobacco.
jazz is kind of smoky.
he also smells like his paintings, and his oils.
it just makes me think of jazz.

my sister smells like children's music.
like nursery rhyme songs.
she's constantly cutting and pasting, using markers and glue
like she's still in kindergarten.
it makes me think of children's music.
it fits her.
she's very youthful.

i can't think of what my mom smells like.
she's just everything a mother should smell like.
comforting and soft and lovely, you know?

i wonder what music i smell like.
i might have my preferences,
but i'm biased.

i don't think i would love to play the bagpipes
but i sure would love it if you did.
you might play for me often
if you liked.

currently reading "East of Eden" thank you Frank.
also "Surprised by Joy" which is a veryvery ironic book.
it's ironic how much i nod my head at.
what C.S. Lewis defines joy as is so interesting
and even moreso
i know precisely what he's talking about, i think.
it would be cheesy to say it.
you might like to read it.
i'm enjoying it anyhow.

[i won't let you steal my dream.]

i'm wearing my brother's sweatshirt right now. i miss him.
he's not gone
he's just not around.

i love the vinesmiths
more than autumn
and pecan clusters
put together.


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