

ever made a list of things you don't want to admit?
a little bit therapeutic.
& sad.
& fun. in a dramatic sort of way.
try it.

today i got asked if i had ever considered being a model by a stranger lady. that was nice of her. 

just recently returned from a trip to Michigan. 
i think Michigan would make the list of my top 3 favorite places in the world. I haven't been to a whole lot of places, but still. I'd count it. 
While up there, I saw a young deer die while listening to Casimir Pulaski Day. traumatizing? maybe. i don't know what it is about animals dying, but it is honestly one of the most distressing things. especially when listening to that song, which at one point was one of my favorites but now holds haunting images.  
that aside, the rest of the time proved to be mostly fantastic. the fellow came down & surprised me on a day off, just came rolling around the corner to cherry republic in his huge truck. before i even saw it, i knew he was coming. I just heard the diesel round the corner and clutched my heart in a dramatic fashion. trust me, it was good. after a good deal of shaking and exclamations we got on with our bittersweet six hours. climbed a big dune. ate some pizza. said goodbye...again. only 46 days left. but today is almost tomorrow & then it'll be 45. 

On a whim we [the group, not Curt & I] decided to go and see 500 days of Summer at this random movie theater in Traverse City. Was it one of the best ideas the entire trip? Yes. Yes it was.
We walk in after paying the student price of six dollars [not bad]. The seats are plush and reclining. The ceiling is a starry sky, a perfect replica of the August night sky, done by a local star-gazer [what is that profession called? it escapes me...]. We have a formal greeting by some theater employee. A short clip of a movie begins to play, it looks like some random indie local film. SURPRISE. it's a proposal video. the couple is in the theater. It's a two for one, we see a movie, we're part of a proposal, the evening ends famously. The movie was great. 

The trip also included drinking way too many cherry Arnold Palmer's, sleeping on the hammock one night [divine] and a 3 hour lazy river trip where we played movie trivia the entire time. 
and lots of eating. 
some shopping, i bought a random tapestry from a random hippie shop. i figure one day i'll hang it somewhere. i'm going to regard it as a smart buy, rather than a foolish impulse buy. 

on the way home we all answered some survey questions and ended up shedding a few layers of skin. 
it's good for friends to do that, sometimes. probably more often than we tend to. 
i learned a lot about the people i've known for years. just want to hold onto them a little more now, stay a little closer, 
even though we all seem to be flying away in separate directions. 

back in the real world now, dragging my feet about jumping into fall [ha. jumping into fall]. 
i still have a job, so that's a huge relief. i'll be keeping relatively busy, even while trying to simplify. 
my autumn goal: cook. 
just cook some more and cook good. i've gotten more and more on this healthy, good living kick. Not just eating right or working out, but stressing less and simplifying. 
Anyhow, I figure I should learn how to cook. It's just a good thing to learn, regardless of how well I follow through with the other things. 

3 minutes until tomorrow. I should head to bed. Had a long day in the city breaking in my new shoes and being told I should look into modeling. Difficult times. 

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