

Finally made it to the end of "An American Childhood." Too excellent for words. This goes somewhere in the top of my favorites.
[i love books.]

back to work at the coffee shop today.
they have me working on the fish market side as well. guess who gets to learn how to cut meat & fish and serve them? me.
i'm a little intimidated.
and by a little, i mean a lot.
but hey. I learned how to make a mean latte. I think I can handle a sandwich.

date with pappy today. it was wonderful, per usual. got some of the best pizza and then went for a walk in an enchanted forest. talked of life. reminisced. he doesn't like me growing up. sometimes i wonder if he really knows i'm 21 or just thinks that i'm joking.
i know he hopes i'm joking. that he'll blink and i'll be 6 again, swinging my legs on our dates & licking my lips & lisping when i talk. he hopes he'll wake up and see his kids playing outside already, dreaming up adventures for summer days, filling up autumn with making leaf piles, using leaves that we steal from our neighbors to make the piles extra large. he'd like to go back to when we didn't have one foot out the door, back to when life was simple & Daddy was the biggest, smartest, strongest man we knew.
but he also does want us to find fulfillment in leading rich & Godly lives, on our own, coming back to visit often with our kids.
he told me it was complicated.
i'm trying to keep up.
he's got a lot on his mind, lately.
he's trying to keep up.
he really is a dear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

okay, you made me cry.
I hate growing up, too.