
one hundred.

made it! it's a little sad that it's taken me all this time to get to 100 posts, but it is what it is.

worked today. sliced my finger open today. Oh, the hazards of working in a kitchen. knives & sharp edges. I'm so clumsy that it's bound to happen. I don't know how I haven't dropped heaps of plates yet. Truly a miracle.
Then got home & Tai said she was going up to hang out at Lake Geneva so I tagged along. We sat in a coffee house and read and I took a nap on a couch they had there after drinking some soy hot chocolate which is so comforting. Nothing in the world like soy hot chocolate.
Ate so much junk today, but I try & justify it by saying that I did work out this morning! Altogether extraordinary, but also not, because somehow I've been managing to keep it up. Again, truly a miracle.
Things eaten:
2 cookies, fresh baked [thank you Tai]
drank a soy hot chocolate [i figure soy is good, right?]
ate a gallon of Cold Stone ice cream, yummm. It was long overdue.
After the coffee shop we walked down and sat on the pier.
Tai sketched and I marveled at the choppy water.
When I was younger I used to take the world so literally. In my Dad's art class he would constantly tell me not to draw after what I thought the world looked like, but really look at it.
A difficult task for left-brained child.
I figured since water was blue-green, when I drew choppy water it would be the same, that same consistent color.
But when the water is choppy & glinting off of sun and sky it's so many different colors.
Truly boggles the mind.
Glinting gold where the sun hits it, then white and the lightest blue, vibrantly reflected.
Then murky grays and surprising purplish hues.
Alive with so many more colors than you would initially think of.
It was mesmerizing.
Stared at the water until two older men pulled around in their boat and started singing "Sitting in the evening sun..."
We figured that was our cue to leave.

Reading "The Reason for God." What an excellent read. So much of it is so relevant. Finished the chapter today on the innate knowledge of God. Don't know why, but the chapter was almost heartbreaking.
Also have really enjoyed countless references to people who hold to the belief that there is no ultimate truth, no ultimate reality, no ultimate meaning for life [i.e. my sociology teacher]. I loved the quote he gave from C.S. Lewis:
"But you cannot go on "explaining away" for ever: you will find that you have explained explanation itself away. You cannot go on "seeing through" things for ever. The whole point of seeing through something is to see something through it. It is good that the window should be transparent, because the street or garden beyond it is opaque. How if you saw through the garden too?...a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To "see through" all things is the same as not to see."
So interesting.

Speaking of books, I read "The Shack" a little while back. I really should journal my thoughts more about books I read so I remember them, because I can barely remember now why I thought the book was so ridiculous. I think my memory is failing me already. Devestating.

A man with a British accent came in today & ordered a spicy grouper sandwich. When I worked on the coffee side he would come in and order a latte sometimes. Fantastic.

I listened to some Camera Obscura yesterday and really enjoyed it. Never heard them before, I don't think.
Is it possible to go and see The Swell Season when they come to Chicago? It very well might be. I want to be one of THOSE people. Those live show people. You know?
Do you ever have that? Sometimes I do. I want to be part of some club. Some live show club, or creative photography club. Or amazing artists club or eclectic dresser club. Or poetry reading and writing club or theater genius club. Festival going club. Wine drinking club. Knitting club.
Sometimes I do. Want to be in that club.
You know?

Anhow, that should be it for tonight. Post 100 is gargantan.
As it should be. 100 is a big number.

p.s. forgot to mention fantastic music makers club. those people who can pull songs out of their instruments like nuggets of gold. that would be a great club.

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