
one hundred. twenty nine.

the days move a little slower, now. it feels like molasses just stretching out, sticky in this heat.
at camp the days moved quickly, i was moving on to the next thing the moment i finished something else. if i had free time i had few options: pee, write a quick letter, read a little bit of my book, hang with the rest of the staff.

i've been home alone these past few days. good time to get things done, not always the motivation to follow through. things look so idyllic in my head, before i know it i'm planning on making fresh bread for dinner & i still haven't gotten dressed yet.
i've been able to follow through on some things. made some meals. cleaned the house over, including purging things from my room. finished a hat. did some odd jobs for my dad. checked the mail/facebook/my phone constantly for any word from the fellow. you know, all that stuff.

i have successfully handled most of the issues tied up with duncan, a.k.a. calling the car repair man to verify his death, calling the junkyard in the area to make sure they would take it, called the car repair people again to fill them in and make sure i didn't have to drive all the way up to green bay to settle things. things went over relatively smoothly, especially because of the situation in general.

here are my current options for getting a car:
1. buy a cheap car
2. buy an expensive car and make payments for a few years
3. make do without a car, save that money so that i don't have to make payments later on.
4. make do without a car, blow that money on a trip through Europe.
...the options are endless.

tomorrow is the last day with the family from Tennessee, then visiting an artsy little show that my Dad is participating in. should be an exciting day.
blegh. this post feels dull and insipid. i'm going to eat oreos & drink milk & not write another word.

[except, is it too repetitive to describe this as dull and insipid considering it means basically the same thing? i feel like i do that quite a bit. i'm just really making a point...]

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