
one hundred. thirty one.

I have just devoured my body weight in whole-wheat blueberry/walnut pancakes.
[i love breakfast for dinner. it seems so rebellious.]
I am also waiting for my zucchini bread to come out of the oven.
I'm convincing myself that zucchini bread is healthy because it comes from zucchini from our garden. Let's forget about the 83 cups of sugar that went into it, shall we?
I'm also trying to convince myself that all of this overeating is completely fine because I worked out for an hour this morning and then for lunch had a spinach salad. The workout was from a workout DVD, one of those aimed for the slightly larger folk who need to lose weight, which makes it all the more disconcerting that I was struggling to keep up. We'll disregard the implications presented by the fact I was having trouble keeping up with a portly person workout DVD.

Bread is out. Did I bake it for too long?? Shooot.

I think I have a loose tooth. I'm 22 and I'm still losing baby teeth. Loving this.
Just wiggled it. Yup. Definitely loose. It kills now.

Tai & mom are watching a movie in the other room, so I should go & join them. I should also multitask and write the fellow a letter. Last night I tried to multitask and crochet a sock while watching "The Young Victoria." The movie = super good. The sock = dismal failure.
& so it goes.

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