
one hundred. ninety eight.

Lately I've been thinking about the things we lose when we gain convenience.
I don't think my fascination with things old are just because i like old things, i think we have a longing for things that are lost when words that define what we are looking for are:
streamlined or
efficient or
consistent or
you know?

Yesterday Nors and I saw Ben Rector.
Absolute genius.
That's a talented man in a bow tie.
Such fun times in the city, getting a bit lost and arriving a bit late.
On the way home, to make up for it, we played the game of never stopping for a red light.
Not to say we blazed through the red lights.
But when we came upon one we'd creep as slowly as possible to avoid stopping the car but still staying roughly behind the line.
Hilarious at 1 in the morning.
This morning we woke up and lazed about before making a massive dutch apple pancake and devouring nearly all 4 servings of it.

The puppies are asleep, snoring and snuffling.
About to head out to the creperie to meet up with Pappy.
It's been a completely unproductive day.
Most lovely.

Anyone up for climbing around the Ozarks with me?

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