

i ate so terribly today. 
first bad move: i didn't eat anything until 1, after being up since 6. then i ate a bagel [we were really busy at work getting ready for some kind of mixer for the chamber of commerce.]. 
second bad move: so hungry for anything & since i was driving, i opted to skip the salad and eat a hot dog with fries instead. thank you portillos.
third bad move: tai and i stopped for ice cream from culvers on the way home. i got bananas on mine to make myself feel better. fruit!
fourth bad move: i came in and discovered my mom had made fresh cookies. thanks mom.

there is this guy who has come into the coffeehouse several times since i've started working there. the first time he came in, he told me that he wanted to twirl fire sticks in the parking lot as part of an arts show that we host every month. he said that it shouldn't be a problem because they are pretty safe, and no one would get in trouble as long as the cops didn't drive by for a few minutes.
the next time i saw him he came in and bashed the coffeehouse. my work kind of has the reputation of being a sort of indie coffee place, just because it doesn't take much to be considered indie in these parts. use some cups made from plants, be locally owned, play some indie music [occasionally mixed with motown], and boom. People feel good about stopping, they think they're saving the planet with their morning skim latte. SO, back to the story, this guy comes in and tells us we are not green at all, but are in fact ruining the planet by offering pre-packaged sugar. real sweetheart. 
then he came in today with sad news: it's his last time in. he leaves next week for colorado or something. he's going to smoke some joints and talk to this guy about making a "sustainable community." he then began to tell me how he plans to package his bulk grain and beans while he travels.
so basically, he's hardcore. we'll miss the crazy fire dancer guy. 

almost 38 days until i see the fellow again. communication so far has been pretty limited to long voicemail messages and the occasional quick phone conversation [once when i was half-asleep and once in the middle of the new X-men movie.].

i just sneezed a gargantuan sneeze & feel much better.
also, i think it's funny how differently people sneeze.

1 comment:

Emma said...

unfortunately, i rolled my ankle and had not completely recovered from shin splints when i went for my run.
so it appears that i will need to learn.