

what a long day[s]. 
i like a good bonfire underneath the stars, though. 
& a nice back massage from nora.
another long day tomorrow. last show of Mulan that i've been helping out with/babysitting kiddies. then move-out and grad parties. 
question: why is everyone getting so old and graduating?

sometimes i think: i should play the piano more often. wouldn't that be nice?

these last two weeks before camp are going to be craziness. i didn't think there would be a lot to do, but really, there is. 
buy a watch, for one. shoot.
also, fix my CAR. shoot.
exactly two weeks from this moment i'll be sleeping in a bunk in the U.P.
that's nice to think of.

p.s. did i ever mention that i finished life of pi? because i did. and i was happy that i did. 
p.s.s. did i mention that i've done a terrible job of running these last two weeks? because i have. i fail.

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