

wrote this bit on a receipt slip at work. we were unbelievably slow.

Is it lame that I sort of enjoy the sappy sweet sadness of "You could be happy" by Snow Patrol?
We have 4 customers in the shop now, sitting down & enjoying free wi-fi or pleasant company.
One man who came in lost, needed directions.
A couple who comes in every once in a while & always orders 4 apple cinnamon walnut scones: 2 to eat in house and 2 to bring home for later. She drives a school bus & he meets her here. She's a very expressive talker.
There's also a man that's been sitting here for a while. He's a newer regular, the large Earl Grey tea guy. He was happy I remembered him & his order this morning, so he tipped a dollar. He's set up at his table with his computer. He spends half his time typing & the other half staring out the window. Uusually he doesn't stare so much. I wonder what he's thinking about.
Alex and his wife [the scone couple] gave a dollar for tip and a dollar for Alzheimers.
The next lady who walked in the door, the lady who will always be remembered as Decaf w/ cream who left a mess in the bathroom [wouldn't you hate to be remembered for that? but we can't help it, that's who she is.], she also gave a dollar for Alzheimers.
But you could tell that she didn't really care either way and just felt bad saying no with all of the signed Forget-me-not flowers staring her in the face, names of those people who had been generous before her. So she said yes and scrawled her name on a Forget-me-not too.
The tray that holds the bagels just fell & made me jump out of my skin.

My mom was looking up quilts on ebay yesterday. I love quilts. I think when I have my own house I will have a thousand quilts, draped everywhere. & i will read Real Simple magazine all the time.

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