

to read - the short list:
A Man Without a Country
East of Eden [again]
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Sun Also Rises
Forest Gump
On the Road
just finished:
The Hobbit
still working on:
Sophies World

I think it might be unreasonable to try and tackle them all this summer, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

sometimes, at work, i try and imagine the kinds of things that customers would send in to Post Secret. i'm way too invested in the lives of people i don't know. or creating imaginary lives for them. we're supporting the Alzheimer's Association this month, and sometimes people get really sad when they leave a dollar. One lady told me about how her father had Alzheimer's, and a different lady talked about her mom. It's so sad, but at the same time I really enjoy being able to talk to these strangers for a moment or two. You learn so much.

only 25 days. it's practically nothing at all. granted, the last three weeks have been difficult because we've had basically no communication besides infrequent, short, garbled phone conversations with bad connections. only once, when curt climbed to the top of the communications tower to make a call did we have a good connection. but now they've done some work to the lines and two days ago we had a perfectly normal phone conversation & it was lovely.

sometimes i feel like a djembe. this is important.

the day is lovely out and peeking through my window. must dash out and get some good sun. i hope you find some time to do the same. 

1 comment:

even pretty girls need to read said...

East of Eden is one of my favorites of all time, nice choice reading it again!