
one hundred. fourteen.

Last week my boss told me that I was the most awkward person he had ever met.
thanks boss.
[however, I can kind of understand why he would say that.]
my boss also told me that i could be a really good stand-up comedian.
apparently that's a profitable profession for awkward people.
under one condition:
i have to be smutty & dirty. that's what sells.
and that's what would be the most hilarious
to see an awkward person telling dirty jokes.
thanks boss.

took a jog today with the doggy. it's nice because she pulls me along when i'm slacking. my dog is lazy & fat but she still runs better than i do. it's nice running in winter, so nice. i bundle up but my body still doesn't overheat like it does in the summer. running in the summer = the worst. i feel so fresh running in the winter & also a little hardcore. it seems to me that only hardcore runners get out in the winter, so i appear to be giving off the perception of a hardcore runner. i'm fine with that perception.
however, hardcore runners probably don't need to get dragged around by their dog....

i want one.

cherry chocolate pecan biscotti tonight. i'm going to make some. i have such a craving.

As Valentines Day approaches, some people who come into the coffee shop feel the need to share their love stories.
Doug loves Diane.
Roger hates Ronda.
all so sweet and dramatic.
Doug, kind of a flavored, skim latte kind of a guy, tells us all about his beautiful Diane and was shocked when we said that we actually knew her, she was a frequent scone buyer and also loved pumpkin spice lattes.
Doug was skeptical at first, but then knew it had to be her at the mention of pumpkin spice lattes.
His Diana goes crazy for those.
He then told us that we weren't supposed to know they were dating because they work together.
We vowed to keep it a secret.
So don't tell.

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