
one hundred. thirteen.

When my dog sheds it is not a usual affair - a few stray hairs make their way onto furniture and somehow into a bowl of oatmeal.
Clumps of hair float to the floor when you pet her, completely COAT anything you wear and all furniture, end up in most food and on your pillow so you breath it in and choke when you are trying to fall to sleep.
How she is not bald I'll never know.
This is fairly similar to myself, actually.
I don't have season where I shed more hair, I am always shedding and wondering how any hair is left on my head.
Close friends and family have taken to standing behind me and picking at the hair that sticks to my back like those helpful monkeys you always see at the zoo.

for the rest:
[me, with a head full of words & not one useful expression]

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