
one hundred. twelve.

while searching "tea and whimsy" i found ANOTHER BLOG titled "tea and whimsy."
that blog has something to do with country weddings.
anyhow. i found that interesting.
[sometimes i feel that i fill my blog with completely useless information, such as this.]

a car accident has a funny way of sneaking large amounts of money out of your pockets. that and every payment comes at once: insurance, phone bill, insurance, buy a car... i'll be lucky if i have $30 left in my account at the end of the month.

my current outlook on life goes something like this:
today - worked. got home. took a look at my finances. fell into state of mild depression [only slight sarcasm]. instead of then using time wisely to make myself feel better i stalked random people on facebook that i hardly know/never see anymore, looked up uninteresting videos, made $15 impulse purchase on itunes with christmas gift cards, pretended to work out for 20 minutes [lame crunches, schlump over feet in half-hearted stretch, repeat] and then ate massive plate of leftover spaghetti with two cookies. talked to fellow on telephone [good! but also lame because i miss his face], vowed to go to bed at 10:00 and yet here i am.

of course, nothing is really all that bad.
quick fix for life:
wake up earlier.
delete facebook [con - won't stay in contact as well with friends. pro - will find ways to contact real friends. putting this idea on the back burner.]
shed useless spending, i.e. things i believe that i am entitled to such as danishes, expensive bottled tea and yet another new scarf.
make all of my own clothes.
find edible plants to sustain me.
stop making blog posts and instead make interesting, profound and witty journal entries that i will one day publish and then make millions off of.

it's all so simple.
starting now.

p.s. also, a side note: should i maybe start using correct grammar/capital letters? putting this idea on the back burner...


Abby said...

Dear Tina,

When I heard from your mom that you were in a car accident my heart nearly stopped. Praise the Lord that you are alright! I know what you mean about never wanting to have that happen again. My mom and I had a rather scary/almost car totaling experience last winter. Definitely an experience that shakes you up a bit…

Your blog is anything but useless, my dear. I love it! And I enjoy reading it. I do believe that everyone thinks they should exercise more, wake up earlier, and delete Facebook. Or at least.. I do. Think of how much more time we would have? Perhaps you and I should set goals and motivate each other to keep at ‘em. Yes? =)

You like scarves too? *joyous bounce* I am forever falling in love with scarves. I would like to accompany you in the pursuit of making clothes. Perhaps we should start with scarves?

Hope you are doing well! And that we run into eachother sometime soon!

- Abby

Abby said...

Dear Tina,

When I heard from your mom that you were in a car accident my heart nearly stopped. Praise the Lord that you are alright! I know what you mean about never wanting to have that happen again. My mom and I had a rather scary/almost car totaling experience last winter. Definitely an experience that shakes you up a bit…

Your blog is anything but useless, my dear. I love it! And I enjoy reading it. I do believe that everyone thinks they should exercise more, wake up earlier, and delete Facebook. Or at least.. I do. Think of how much more time we would have? Perhaps you and I should set goals and motivate each other to keep at ‘em. Yes? =)

You like scarves too? *joyous bounce* I am forever falling in love with scarves. I would like to accompany you in the pursuit of making clothes. Perhaps we should start with scarves?

Hope you are doing well! And that we run into eachother sometime soon!

- Abby

Christina Hope said...

You are just a dear! I wish you would write on your blog more, you are an excellent write and I enjoy reading what you have to say.

All of your ideas sound grand: motivation & goals, making scarves together [perhaps for others because i have an overabundance at this point.] and running into each other soon! Perhaps we should make that intentional instead of happenstance. Although...not literal.

missing you. :]]