

something i find very disorienting:

walking in the men's bathroom.
a thousand thoughts fly through my head in a moment.
first, casual thoughts.
"oh, i didn't know they repainted."
"wow, the layout is different."
"since when did they install a urinal?"
then, frantic thoughts.
"ah! i hope no one is in here!"
"ah! i hope no one walks in here!"
"ah! i hope no one sees me walk out of here!"
very disorienting.
and funny.

The pages are still blank, but there is a miraculous
feeling of the words being there, written in
invisible ink, and clamoring to become visible. [Nabokov]

dear hall weavers:
do us all a favor.
get off your cellphone and walk.
harper is full of people who text and walk
and are all over the place
run into doors
run into me
cause mass pandemonium.

music has expanded. currently checking out jimmy eat world, wilco, dave matthews band and the john butler trio.

took a run today. almost died. i prefer dancing/frolicing for a cardio workout.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Story time.

Once I walked into a crowded mens bathroom, saw that it was full of men and darted out as quickly as possible. A few moments later while in the ladies room I received a text message from a guy I know. The text read, "How did you like the boys bathroom"