

someone is on a roll!
that's me.
i'm very near forty posts.
forty is a big number.

sometimes [ok, a lot of times] i get into my car [and by my car i mean the family car] and i see that i have over half a tank of gas, and i think that i will just head out. drive somewhere. anywhere. mostly somewhere west, because i've never ever been west.
i think this thought very often.
the temptation to follow through is very strong.
[but i know i'm all talk.]

if i'm feeling melodramatic, i think that i know exactly how Caleb Trask feels.
today is not one of those days.

what about bangs?
did i already ask that?
i'm thinking i'll go for it.
you only live once.
plus lauren says it'll work for me because i have a big forehead.

today: did some yard work whilst listening to the ipod.
i've categorized playlists on the ipod by color.
color = certain emotion or time.
for instance...
red: bold, fierce, sassy.
music choices in red:
upbeat, rockin' tunes, including some pop numbers that i never would admit i know all the words to.
yellow: mellow, sweet tunes.
driving tunes, and in today's case, yard work tunes.
"brighter than sunshine" is a great yard work song.
as is some goo goo dolls.
i need to put more colors on.

would the wind be at my back?
could i get you off my mind?
this time...

anyhow, i know there was more that i'd wanted to say, but we'll save it for another time.
i'll be seeing you.


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