

i was doing some thinking of sorts here before bed.
my father asked me on our breakfasting where i could see myself in 5 years.
after thinking on it, i realized that i couldn't see myself doing sign language.
sign language is so very time consuming, and in 5 years i could be busy and married, and thinking of starting a family.
so. fall plans are beginning to be the in works.
i must say i'm excited.
just on the edge of my seat.
but also disappointed.
because i really enjoy sign language, but honestly just don't see how it's all going to work out. i was planning on taking off the fall anyhow, because i need my associates before i can get my interpreting certificate. but now... maybe no certificate at all.
sign language just has such interesting people.
especially this lady named veronica.
there's one in every class.
first: candycane.
second: tim
currently: veronica, who is writing a story about a man who is cursed to be a spirit, so he's searching for a new body to be in. first, though, he must find a virgin who is willing to be with him despite his spirit body. meanwhile, his arch enemy is searching for a weapon of magical powers to kill the spirit man, because he himself loves the virgin. also because the spirit man accidentally killed an elder 780 years ago.
forgive the french, but i think there is a need to quote veronica word for word. it's good to note that the following was said without any prompting or questions on what she was scribbling:
"i started writing this story a few years ago. i've tried again and again to throw it away, put it out of my mind, but i just can't seem to do it. i've ripped it up and thrown it out and just put it away in a drawer and tried to forget about it, but each time i do, sooner or later it just comes and sticks itself up my ass again. i'm up all night writing, but i can't figure out what the hell to write about. i've sat for hours trying to figure out what kind of weapon the one guy is going to find. i know it needs to be magical, i just can't decide..."
this rambling continued for at least several minutes nonstop. i was dying.
then her phone rang, and she started talking to her mom in Japanese. it was like some bizarre dream.

also today, i met the infamous peter parker. what an awesome day.

to do:
ask the old ladies from water aerobics for recipes.

not to do:
give up on "persuasion."
[am continuing to be jane austen poser. will seek to destroy such a title.]


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