

"Yellow expected as a bright spot for 2009

'Mimosa,' described as a vibrant shade of yellow, will be the most influential shade of 2009, according to a leading color source."

[got this on my news page. i knew it. yellow = awesome color. i knew it would have its day. my love for the color yellow is slightly spurred by my previous obsession with the song "yellow" summer 2007.]

Oh look at how she listens
She says nothing of what she thinks
She just goes stumbling through her memories

Staring out on to Grey Street
[dave matthews spells grey correctly.]

It's been too full, these past few weeks.
I will say that I love Thanksgiving and seeing my great-grandparents for the first time in years.
I will say that I love Pandora.com. Why did it take me so long?
I will say that I have yet to work on my final paper. I have various documents sitting on the computer right now, minimized so that I can forget about them and write this entry. As you can see, I have my priorities right in line.
I will say that my final scene is blocked for my acting class. This is excellent.
I will say that I am finished with my modern dance final and it went well. It went better than the really awkward modern dance of a boy in my class. He began by loudly stating that he didn't want to be recorded - twice. So, no one recorded him [i was very tempted]. He then proceeded to "dance" or walk around strangely for 2 minutes and 15 seconds [the dance was minimum of a minute. he could have saved us a minute fifteen seconds]. He also thought it appropriate to light up a fake cigarette with a real lighter as part of the dance. He ended by "killing himself." I will not say anything cheesy like: we all wanted to do the same.
I will say that we all did freak out a little when he pulled out the lighter. We thought he might set himself on fire for the sake of his art.

I have a new journal, a real journal. One of those moleskine ones. It's so smooth & cream-colored pages & smells nice.
I like cream colored pages much more. White works on skirts & shirts & snow but not on blank pages of a journal. Cream is for blank pages of a journal & old book pages & wedding dresses. I am convinced of this.

I will say that it's nice to have my brother around the house today and singing terrible renditions of Christmas carols.
I will say that I'm going to make myself a second cup of tea and begin on my paper. Dash it all.

[note this post was delayed in posting because of dumb-butt blogspot]

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