

yesterday i went down to the locker room to change after my morning PE classes, and the little Asian girl and her mother weren't there.
it felt all wrong.
every morning after PE classes i go down to the locker room and the little girl and her mother are just finishing up swim class. the little girl stands just down the counter from me while i'm getting ready and her mom dries her hair and she asks her mom all sorts of questions. favorite questions include questions about God and questions about other people in the locker room who can hear what she asks.
i love kids.
i love kids & questions.
anyhow, but the old lady who dries her bangs in a big curl and wears burgundy lipstick outside of her lip line was still there, and she was merrily warbling some christmas tune.
i say warbling, because i really think that's the exact and only word that can be used to describe her voice.
think of old ladies singing.
doesn't it sound like warbling? it must.
it's not a bad thing, it's just their voice. it's a little richer, for one. a little shaky.
kind of warble-ish.

confession: i wish that picking noses was socially appropriate. but only for me, because i don't want to see other people picking their noses anywhere else but their cars. if they pick their nose in their cars, that's fine. everyone does that. especially older men.
is this TMI? i don't know. i was thinking about this yesterday. i would just like the freedom to pick my nose wherever i liked and be rid of social constraints regarding nose-picking.
i can't believe i'm writing this, but it's very true.
my mom just said that she would never tell someone that unless she had too much to drink. however, this means that she agrees, at least...

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