
one hundred. fifty five.

I don't know if writing the words of another on this blog counts as an entry, but tonight the words of Oswald Chambers were convicting and timely:

"It is not your devotion to God that makes you refuse to be shallow, but your wish to impress other people with the fact that you are not shallow, which is a sure sign that you are a spiritual prig. Be careful of the production of contempt in yourself, it always comes along this line, and causes you to go about as a walking rebuke to other people because they are more shallow than you are. Beware of posing as a profound person...
To be shallow is not a sign of being wicked, nor is shallowness a sign that there are no deeps: the ocean has a shore... We are so abominably serious, so desperately interested in our own characters, that we refuse to behave like Christians in the shallow concerns of life.
...the greatest fraud you have ever known is yourself."

I'm a scoffer.

I should be sleeping [at 8:15p.m.] but things tend to fill my mind right as I lay down my head. Last night I lay awake for 2 hours before hopping up to get nutella and toast and read. I love reading with toast and nutella, but tonight I'd prefer to sleep.
So. Goodnight then.

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