
one hundred. fifty four.

& that will be one of the moments
you'll say that you remember.
it's silly
and simple
and strange the reasons we hold on.
||what if i was whole again?

i've been casually flipping through this book called "Indie Publishing." I would love to take on a project outlined in the book, but it all seems so complicated. Besides everything being the craftiest of all books, there are confusing bits about ISBN numbers and copyright laws and all that. I keep looking at pages and then just have to continue flipping through because my mind is so full.
It really just feels like i'm slow.
Those moments pop up every now and again. I'll stare at an object for an extended amount of time grasping in the depths of my mind for what I was supposed to be doing.
Stare at pages in a book about publishing and nothing will be connecting.
I'm too young for my mind to be leaving me.

--here's something i know: some things are best in silence.--

don't we all find beauty in such curious things?
you may find beauty in darkness
or loneliness
or melancholy
or sadness
i might agree. i might see a strange beauty in these things too.
[but i'm convinced there is no beauty to be found in bitterness
& such beauty to be found in longing.]

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