
one hundred. forty eight.

why yes, i will make a yellow sweater all by myself.
thank you for asking.

took a run today. this is a case of something i like to call follow-through. rare, but delightful.

I bought a new hat just because.
it was $3.
[must stop spending money!]
I wish I could be one of the 6 items of clothing people.
Give the rest of my clothes away.
Plan a year to spend no money on clothes.
Make all my own clothes.

I also wish I was a nomad.
I think bits & pieces of me are.
I think if I was forced to be a nomad I would excel.
so lets just do it.
wouldn't that be liberating?
To travel according to weather and food, in small communities?
A gypsy.
I could be a gypsy.
Never wash my hair.
I could do that.

But then again I would miss my feet in one place.
I would miss Christmas parties & family
long weekends
a job
but Kanoa could come with me and be my guard dog, so that's good.
Kanoa would make an excellent gypsy.

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