
one hundred. seventy.

More Matthew and the Atlas.
I'm digging I Will Remain and Within the Rose.
I have so much new music too, more than I know what to do with. So I'm slowly making my way through it, then jumping back to Within the Rose and reveling in its sweet huskiness.
It's like sitting in a log cabin built 200 years ago, with chinks between the logs and sunlight streaming through.
Listen to the song. That's it.

I started school up again.
My U.S. Government teacher is hilarious.
He looks like he always about to beat you up.
He's about 15 feet tall and a hefty man.
Not large, just...big.
For instance, he needs to keep his arms out to his sides so that his biceps don't rub against his ribcage area.
He also constantly pushes his sleeves up over his elbows
which is what they always do before they fight
in the movies.
Real tough guy.
Probably because he spent 20 years in various war zones.
Anyhow, so he appears to know what he's talking about.
I like him because he thinks politics is a lot of poop
and wants us to learn to think for ourselves.
At least, that what he tells us...

This weekend has been quite the whirlwind, in a good way.
& it's not even over.
& i'm still spinning a bit too much to have good clarity or good words, even.
So. I'll leave off there.

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